Hide or show column based on view of another column

I want my 'Code' column to be blank, and only become visible again if the user searches in the search bar for a code that is present in my 'Code' column in the database.
Rule: The lines containing this code should only become visible again if the user types a complete code. If he searches or filters using only part of the code, the lines containing the code should not become visible again.

With this in mind, if the user types a complete code found in the database, the 'Code' column must be visible and show the lines that contain this code, consequently I want my other columns 'Name' and 'Status' be visible too.
Example: All columns are hidden, a user searches for a complete code found in the database, the line with the code becomes visible and so do the other columns.

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I don't believe you can do this using the built-in search bar.

You can create a column for "Search" on another table and have the user enter the code in that column and then have a slice where [search]=[_thisRow].[Code] and you can navigate to a view of that slice on submit of the code. Something like this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lQ3roJG0Hw

View solution in original post


I don't believe you can do this using the built-in search bar.

You can create a column for "Search" on another table and have the user enter the code in that column and then have a slice where [search]=[_thisRow].[Code] and you can navigate to a view of that slice on submit of the code. Something like this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lQ3roJG0Hw

Perfect, it worked exactly as a solution to the problem I was having. Thanks!


I would create a dashboard with two views.

One view is a "Search bar" and the second is a your code data and all the fields you want to dynamically show.

Your "Search bar" will have to be it's own table and you should put an entry in for each user (using a bot).

The "Search bar" table would have say "User" column and "Search Bar" column.

Put a security filter onto the table to only return the "User" that matches USEREMAIL().

Then on your code data table put a condition into the Show If of the fields you want to dynamically show.

It would be a ISNOTBLANK() FILTER() on the "Search bar" for [_THISROW].[Code] = [Search Bar].

Assuming you want a complete match but you could use contains and you could also pre-populate the list available in the "Search Bar" column if you wanted people to select a code instead of typing it out from scratch.



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