This community doesn't give you the answers you're looking for

How many times a day do you see someone asking something like:

  • How do I conform the app's functionality around WHO is using the app?
  • How can I lock a column down so only admins can use it
  • How can I filter locations so it only shows the ones assigned to a user
  • etc.... etc... etc... over and over... time and time again....


The answer is implementing a "Current User" system in your app.

But just try and search for that - "Current User" - and you tell me where the answer is?

Things like this are really demoralizing and frustrating.  Why should I spend (literally) 2 to 3 hours putting together a succinct post... that's never found.  The answer is there, but no one's finding - so why should I put the answer there!?

  • Even when you do a direct search for the same words used in the title.

This is why I don't bother very much anymore.  

All the answers are here... just.... not being given.  No where to be found in search results.

  • The resulting effect on the community is that those who are "present and willing" to spend their time in the community are answering all the questions.
  • And maybe those people shouldn't be answering the questions like they are.  (Just saying ๐Ÿ™„)

But how do they know that there's an answer already out there - covering every aspect of this topic.



10 18 712

The new community search is very less efficient. I open more support tickets these days than searching for answers in community because it shows results for words containing "in", "and", "a" etc.. and not what a user actually wants.

Here is an example.

I searched exactly first sentence you have posted here and searched for it and I was not able to find your post ๐Ÿ™



Community Manager
Community Manager

@MultiTech @Rifad,

Check out our article on Finding Answers by Using Search in our Using the Community section under Community Resources where we share some tips on how to get the most out of the community.

There are several places for a user to use the search functionality that will result in different results.  They can search all of the AppSheet Community by using the search on the AppSheet homepage, or a user can search a specific board, like AppSheet Q&A, by using the search function on that specific board.

Thank you for your feedback.  I have made a note for reviewing this functionality.

Thank you,

Michelle | Community Manager

It's not always about using AND or OR in search. The search in community is bit inefficient. A user who is beginner need to be guided. Maybe we can pin all this in homepage or somewhere for easy access for all users. 

I will show you another example what actually shows in search. When you type "Lookup" function we just get some random result. As shown in first image. Whereas in second image it shows relevant result. The post in 2nd image has more views and more comments than other posts shown in "best match". Whereas this post with soo many views and comments did not even appear in Best match 






I am searching for this

Screenshot 2022-07-02 at 12.04.36 AM.png

Using AND like you said and I am getting this type of results too often. Am I doing something wrong here ? @Michelle @Steve 

Screenshot 2022-07-02 at 12.04.18 AM.png


Hello @Rifad,

While we continue to work on the search function within the community.  Are the below results what you are expecting?



In your screenshot you have the Sorted by set to 'Views'.  What do you see when you change it to 'Best Match' as in my screenshot?


Michelle | Community Manager



How do we change the default to Best Match?

Theres something wrong

Screenshot 2022-07-05 at 10.06.10 PM.png

Screenshot 2022-07-05 at 10.07.43 PM.png


Thank you for reaching out. 

I am unable to replicate using the same criteria as in your screenshots.  I even added a criteria without the AND and the results were the same.


LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW AND DashboardMichelle_1-1657045352953.png



We are continuing to work on the search functionality.  Thank you again for keeping us posted on your experience with the search functionality.


Michelle | Community Manager



How do I find correct result for this search. Its actually used for force sync. I am not able to find right post that is already available in community.

Screenshot 2022-08-26 at 7.02.32 PM.png

@Michelle @Steve 


Below is the post I was trying to find. Using AND, multiple conditions were used to find it. However, I had a hard time finding it at first, and I had to ask for help here. I found it somehow. Also, used to work well in Discourse. Its really hard to find things here sometimes.

Screenshot 2022-08-26 at 7.06.15 PM.png

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Yep, it's horribly broken.

@Michelle, if the user has to read documentation to make search useful, it's search that is broken. Do users have to trained to use Google Search to use it effectively?

Discourse search was fantastic. Search here is horrible.

@Rifad wrote:

Its really hard to find things here sometimes.

 "sometimes", "always",
 "Discourse was better"

@Michelle It's been almost 2 years already, have you all seen a 10% improvement yet?

Screenshot 2024-03-24 at 12.25.55.png

I'm looking for help with the HERE() HERE() - AppSheet Help function in AppSheet, but the search results are not helpful at all. It's frustrating to see irrelevant answers when I just want to find the right information. Why did we switch to this new community if the old one had better search functionality and hasn't been updated in over 2 years?

Come help build a new one!

It's like we're going back to the pre-google era of AppSheet! Best of luck to everyone, I'll be active there too. Can't wait to see all the experts joining in.. @MultiTech good work!

The whole AppSheet team has become very inactive and passive in every way, which is bad for business because it's important to stay active and make quick decisions...