Has the way Addresses are handled changed rec...

Has the way Addresses are handled changed recently?

So before, when a column was an address, you could time some or all of the address and underneath it would pop 1 or more suggestions which you could click on.

I tried this for the first time in a few months on an app yesterday.

It seems now you have to type the address, press enter, then Appsheet chooses the most likely option.

This means it sometimes takes 4-5 attempts to get the right address.

Also, you seemingly can’t just type a company that exists in Gmaps.

Has anyone else noticed this?

Did I miss a memo?

0 11 649

@praveen not sure who to ask about this

@Adam_Stone_AppSheet awesome, thanks

Nothing should have changed recently with this as far as I know, and the dropdown still appears for me when I type a partial address. I also tried typing a company name + city and it found what looks like the right address for that company. What kind of device / browser were you testing on? Do you see the problem in another browser?

Chrome browser, not tested on others.

I’ll try tomorrow.

Just had 5mins so done a few tests.

It seems to relate to only one App as far as I can see.

Its called Barnsley Towbar and the column is Job[Address].

Affects the App on both Chrome and Android.

Whereas at least one other App address operates as expected on both.

@Adam_Stone_AppSheet you can use the string “Barnsley Towbar” to test it.

I think we try to bias the suggested results based on the locale setting of the table. Maybe that would explain it?

On both Apps the Table and Google Sheet are set to English UK.

But the issue isn’t what it’s prompting.

Is that one does prompt and the other doesn’t @Adam_Stone_AppSheet

This shows the faulty App and another which is working fine - youtube.com - Appsheet Address Issue @Adam_Stone_AppSheet @praveen Appsheet Address Issue

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Figured it out, it’s a problem specific to “side by side” mode. I’ll try to fix it.

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