Cannot activate Duet / Cloud AI Companion

When following the guide to activate Duet AI (, I am stuck on the point where one is supposed to run this command: 

gcloud services enable

Even though I was granted access to Duet, and to my specific project, I still get this error:

PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission denied to enable service []
Help Token: AVzH8v2wwhM-hNvfR5VDFHY-ZAI0mp4K3o9VdbsbtP5FRPvoV7ACoZjMcTAT8h_YU4_IVxA-liBIol8Yr06-BVaRnmJTo5Y3Rup0PcBClYsibIhz
- '@type':
- subject: ?error_code=110002&*My project*
- '@type':

Does anyone know how to proceed?

3 11 1,129

Can you try using this instead, the one that you have to input your project ID: 

gcloud services enable --project PROJECT_ID


Unfortunately, it still didn't work. I followed the guide, and am in the right project

Did you(or a team member) applied for Duet application form?

If you're accepted, you receive an email with instructions to submit the ID of each Google Cloud project that you want to use Duet AI with. After you submit the required project IDs, you can proceed with the remaining steps in this document.

If yes can you try setting the environment with your project:

gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID

I have applied and received confirmation (followed the guide). Still won't work.

Yeah same, and no help from Google...I guess it's back to copilot...

I have the same issue - cannot activate the service.

I have been granted access for preview and also have the required roles/permissions.

I have exactly the same issue and the same error message. I tried all the commands listed in the setup document (with and without project ID), always the same error.

Can someone from Google please help?

Any help from the Google team here? We are all kind of sitting and waiting around, there is not even a support team we can reach out to unless we pay $25/month to get something broken to work?

I have this same issue too.

I think it's because I may have submitted Project Name instead of Project ID in the application form to be granted access to Duet AI. 

Unfortunately I can't see a way to amend this mistake and there does not appear to be a way to resubmit with the Project ID now I have been granted access. 

Any help here from the Google Cloud support team would be very helpful. Let me know if you need any additional information. Thank you. Jacob (Brio Technologies).

Double check your project name/id when running commands following these instructions:

The error I made was to use the name I set for the project and missing the string of numbers google adds when setting it up e.g. projectname-05454

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all, jumping on to make sure you all got the support you needed. Duet AI is generally available now, so let me know if you're still running into issues. (cc: @hsbedi