Format buttons in form generated from an EnumList of type Ref

As I continue my adventures in trying to make forms look halfway decent I thought I'd share how to change the look of buttons in forms. It might be blindingly obvious to those with experience but the workflow isn't entirely intuitive to total newbies (like me).

Fortunately I already knew format rules existed. If you didn't, this is where they are:


So my first (wrong, as usual) instinct was to select the table from which the form is generated for "For this data", then the relevant column within it. But alas! When I checked the effect the only change was a circle to the left of each button with the highlight colour. The text colour didn't change at all, and if I picked an icon it would appear in the default black/grey and my colour bubble would disappear.

Having learned from some of my previous mistakes I had a sneaking suspicion this was due to the EnumList being of Ref type. Therefore the column I was trying to format wasn't really where the information was, just a sort of empty container pulling data from elsewhere.

So, changed the table for the format rule to the one hosting the EnumList and the affected column to the relevant label.


(Ugly but just a test)

Ta da! Now it works. I added a condition so it only displays this way in the form view but that might not be what you want. It's a list with only one item because I want it to look like this in other views I haven't added yet.


IN(CONTEXT("View"), LIST("Add New Personnel"))



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Thank you @Encrafted yes that's the AppSheet logic ๐Ÿ˜€

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