Pricing impact of auto detecting language when using Translation AI


I'm a Product Manager for a SaaS platform.  We are going to provide document translation using Translation AI.  I'm responsible for a pricing strategy and had a question that I couldn't find in the Translation API pricing page.

We are going to use the Translate a document inline capability from Cloud Translation - Advanced (v3) using the NMT model.  The source language is an optional parameter.  The documentation states that if we don't supply it, then "Document Translation detects the language for you.  The detected language is included in the output in the detectedLanguageCode field."

I see in the pricing page that if we were to call the detectLanguage API directly, we would be billed for it if we hit 500k+ characters per month.  What I don't see is whether that same rule applies if we don't pass in the source language parameter when using TranslateDocument API.  Does the language detection, as part of TranslateDocument, count against the metered usage for language detection?  If so, I would assume the pricing is the same, but would also like confirmation on that.  Any documentation you can point me to would be greatly appreciated. 🙏 

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