How to Analyze Youtube Viewer Engagement for Specific Videos in Looker Studio

I'm currently working with YouTube Analytics data in Looker Studio and facing a challenge. I want to measure viewer engagement more accurately by identifying viewers who have watched more than 70% of a specific video. My goal is to count these viewers as highly engaged, but I'm unsure how to set up the necessary calculated fields and filters in Looker Studio to achieve this.
Here's what I'm trying to accomplish:
  1. Calculate the viewing percentage for each viewer of a specific video.
  2. Filter and count viewers who have watched 70% or more of the video's total length.
  3. Apply this analysis to identify trends in viewer engagement and improve content strategy.
I understand the basics of adding data sources and creating calculated fields in Looker Studio, but I'm struggling with the formula and the filtering method to precisely capture the viewer engagement metric I'm interested in. Specifically, I'm not clear on:
  • The exact formula to calculate the viewing percentage based on total watch time and video length.
  • How to set up a filter that accurately captures viewers meeting the 70% viewing threshold.
Additionally, I'm curious about the "External ID" field in the context of YouTube Analytics data. How can this field be utilized effectively in my analysis?
Has anyone tackled a similar challenge or can offer guidance on setting up this analysis in Looker Studio? Any advice on formulas, filtering techniques, or general best practices with YouTube Analytics data in Looker Studio would be greatly appreciated.
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