Introducing the new and improved My Apps page

Hi everyone, 

Weโ€™re very excited to announce the new and improved My Apps home page which will be released soon! Based on customer research, we learned that users have trouble finding their apps, especially when the number of apps is large. Our goal with this redesign is to make it easier to find your apps and improve the overall performance of the page.

The new My Apps page enables you to:

  1. Find apps using a more consistent interface, similar to Google Drive
  2. Quickly access apps that are most recently modified, shared with you (with view or edit permissions), and owned by you
  3. Display apps in a list or grid layout


By default, you will see the apps that have been most recently modified, including those owned by or shared with you.  Note the โ€œShared with meโ€ section does not include the apps that have been shared with you as a user, only those with edit or view definition permissions.


To further improve discovery, you can sort results by app name, status, owner, or date last modified.


You can toggle between the list and grid layouts by clicking on the top right toggle.


Each app has an overflow menu (shown below) with options to open the app in the editor in a new tab, preview, copy, or delete the app:


 * Note delete option is only shown for app owner


Lastly, weโ€™re consolidating the top navigation bar with the AppSheet Editorโ€™s. This enables quick access to features such as signing out, whereas previously you had to go to the My Account page to do so. 


Weโ€™d love to hear your feedback as you start seeing this new interface rollout. This enhancement will be rolled out gradually, starting next week with free users. 

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Change the UI however you want, if you need to mimic other Google Services, just please don't push us to use a G account. I just fear that someday we will end up needing a G account in order to use AppSheet, like any other Google Service (Youtube, Meet, Drive, etc)

It looks just like in DataStudio, the problem is that it is not possible to create folders or work areas if you have many applications it is difficult to find them quickly.

I suggest considering the creation of folders or something similar, so the applications could be better organized if there are many.


YES!!  Organization by folder!!!!

I have several clients, each with multiple apps, OR I might have multiple copies of the apps I am working on in various states OR I have many sample or test apps that I keep to reference.  It would be extremely helpful to be able to group these apps together as I please to help declutter the list but organize it in a useful way that fits ME.

Custom folders / app is something Extend AppSheet has supported for a while:


Looks like I'll have to make some adjustments for the upcoming UX (which is significantly better than the current version).

Hi @Jonathon any update on this?

@Alexander wrote:

I suggest considering the creation of folders or something similar, so the applications could be better organized if there are many


The idea of folders sounds good, or any kind of organization actually that can be customized, like using tags, colors, etc, so that we can then filter by them

Thanks for all your feedback everyone! Using tags to better organize apps is a great idea, folders get a little tricky with access management so tags might be more intuitive for sorting. We'll definitely keep this in mind for our next iteration on this page!

Folders do not have to be physical storage locations.  In this use case, they could be visual only.  

Basically we just need a good way to group apps, allow for collapsing of the groups to declutter the page and then allow quick and easy access to the groups to find the app we need.

Just got the updated "My Apps" view today.  While we have the row menu option to "Edit in new tab", the default when clicking on the row is to open the app in the same window.  Same when in the Grid View.  The default in the old "My Apps" page was to open the app in a new window.

Is there an option to change the row selected behavior to "Edit in new tab"?   If not, can that be included?  

Thanks for your feedback. We wanted to make this change to be consistent with some other Google products like Datastudio and Google Sheets but we will consider adding an option like you mentioned to our feature list for the next iteration. 

Thanks!  Not to be overly nit-picky, since it's such a small thing, but the new My Apps page doesn't look or feel anything like Google Sheets as far as usability.  I am not familiar with Datastudio - yet.

It DOES feel very much like Google Drive.  In Google Drive, the potentially editable content, e.g. documents, is opened in a new window - albeit a double-click is required.  Navigational items like Folders are opened in the same window.

The Google Drive approach makes sense and it seems to me the My Apps page should be modeled after that.  We are, in most cases, opening multiple app objects to be edited after all.  

@WillowMobileSys wrote:

Just got the updated "My Apps" view today.

Same here.

@macastan Please let us sort by using the table headers

You should be able to sort by using the table headers while on "Owned by me" and "Shared with me", the only one where sorting is disabled is  "Most recent" since that gets sorted by Last Modified column.

I can't


Until we gain the full access to new UX, it is difficult to provide the proper feedbacks, but based on the screenshot, I came up with those.

Wordings of "Owned by me" |  " Shared with me" could be confusing.  Especially "Shared with me".   On the app gallery, we have item of "shared with me which means I was added as app users for those particular apps.    On the app editor, I assum this "shraed with me" will mean "Shared with me as co-author".   I dont think the app which is shread with me (but not as co- author) will show up here.  Or the apps shared with me (as normal user, no author right) will appear?

In terms of the order of menu, I do not know why "shared with me" come on top of "owned by me".  Not a big deal, but in the normal sense, Owned by me should come on top, as the existing UX does.






@Koichi_Tsuji wrote:

Database is database, it is not app.

"AppSheet Database" will be something like Google's AirTable, I guess they are mixing things under the AppSheet umbrella

Good eye! We had previously recruited users here in the community to help test a new AppSheet database feature and what you saw is related to that; I've updated the screenshots to remove that toggle -- it wasn't meant to be there for this launch's post ๐Ÿ™‚

@SkrOYC wrote:

I can't

@macastan it's disabled just on the "recent" menu entry

Yes, is is by design. Thank you for confirming. I will pass back the feedback that this pattern is confusing.

@Koichi_Tsuji wrote:

Wordings of "Owned by me" |  " Shared with me" could be confusing.  Especially "Shared with me".   On the app gallery, we have item of "shared with me which means I was added as app users for those particular apps.    On the app editor, I assum this "shraed with me" will mean "Shared with me as co-author".   I dont think the app which is shread with me (but not as co- author) will show up here.  Or the apps shared with me (as normal user, no author right) will appear?

I also thought of the relationship between these expressions and what we see in our phones.  I would like to suggest that "Owned by me" replace "Created by me" in our "App Galleries."  I just wrote a post for beginners about how to take a template and start using it on a phone:
In doing so, it became necessary to explain that "Created by me" really means "Owned by me."  So, changing that to "Owned by me" would reduce confusion, I think.


Kirk, this is great feedback regarding the wording in the App Gallery. I'll be making that change today and should go out with a release note.

Also, what a great post of how to start using an app on you phone! Really appreciated the detailed steps as I'm sure new users do ๐Ÿ™‚

Thanks for your kind words, @macastan !  Made my day!  ๐Ÿ™‚

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @macastan 

A small feedback on the new MyApps page : a common shortcut with a click-wheel allows to open a link in another tab. I use it everywhere ๐Ÿ˜

Here it's not possible.

Do you think it could be feasible to define this behavior with "open in a new tab" ?

I will look into why the click-wheel is not working, this sounds like a regression. Thank you for reporting! ๐Ÿ™‚


Hope you understand that we really need the filterin function on the list type views, as we have hundreds of app under single account.   On the legacy UX for my page view, deployed | proto apps are grouped. However, this functionalities are gone now.  When we wish to view the deployed app only, currently, there is no solution on both list/card style.

On the card style, the elements inside single card are pretty much naked, not much styling (CSS) applieds, so difficult to see.

Othewise sort by headers on list type view is not fully functioning. For instance, sort by name | owner | status is not working on "recent" pane.

Honestly, much of rooms to be improved until we call this change as enhancement.



As previously provided feedback, the sequence of left pane menu should be reconsidered.  We assumed AppSheet is going to provide the similar UX as Google drive.

Comparing with Google drive,


My drive, i.e. owned by me in AppSheet terms, is coming on the top,followed by shared. and end up recent. Currently, new appsheet my page sequences are completely upside down.


Hi Thanks for the great new feature - it would be useful to be able to group apps with pseudo "folders" eg ๐Ÿ“‚ Client Apps  ๐Ÿ“ Dev Apps


Can the new "my apps" page open the editor in a new browser tab just like the behavior of the old one, and like the behavior of selecting any other document from GDrive? Thanks.

@macastan ,

Thank you for the new "My Page" interface.

@Marc_Dillon wrote:

Can the new "my apps" page open the editor in a new browser tab just like the behavior of the old one, and like the behavior of selecting any other document from GDrive? Thanks.

@Marc_Dillon  has already reported it. Going by the likes for that feedback,  request you to give top priority to opening the app in new tab by default than by selection.  Opening the app in new tab is more intuitive andbcommon behavior.

Thank you.

Thank you everyone for all the feedback provided in this post and during release notes. Note we're consolidating and will be prioritizing and addressing in the upcoming weeks. Really appreciate the time everyone takes to make AppSheet always better!

Hi @macastan 

First and foremost, I expect that the Deployed and prototype filters, for which there has been numerous feedback, will be implemented.

What concerns me even more is that this filter was left out of the initial implementation, even though its importance is obvious if we develop apps in AppSheet.


Hi Takuya_miyai,  when you mention "was left out of the initial implementation" do you mean the old version of My Apps or this release? With the new page, there is a way to view by Deployed, then Prototype like the old page but maybe it's not super clear. The old my apps page had three sections in the following order: Deployed, Prototype, Co-Authored apps. Going to the "Owned by me" pivot today and sorting by "Status" orders the apps by Deployed first and then Prototype which would be the equivalent to the first two sections in the old my apps page. Co-Authored apps have now moved to the "Shared with me" tab which can also be sorted by Status. 

Sorry, I had overlooked the ability to sort on the list screen.
However, this is indeed a confusing situation and I hope it will be improved.

@macastan wrote:

addressing in the upcoming weeks

That's sounds like a lot of time for a half-baked new interface no one asked for and was implemented without any prior feedback

I disagree. Many users including myself have been asking for improvements to this interfaces since long before Google. Personally, I am looking forward to it.

An Upgrade doesn't mean that there is going to be a new UI showing us our apps on a Google-styled way.

Upgrade should bring more features, not the opposite. I was Ok with the previous design, even more considering that I use @Jonathon's extension.

I'm not happy knowing that there are going to be changes without prior feedback from the people that actually uses the thing

It has been quite sad to see how AppSheet has evolved from beign a platform that moves based on what the community need to a more internal feedback loop where the external opinions are not considered. I see that lately that they ask for our help just as a debugging process, so that we have to react to the changes instead of being part of the voice that proactively propose changes.

I guess that for Google folks this is normal because they work there and this should be just part of the way things are done