APIGEE Developer Portal - Non drupal based

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For the free trail instance of APIGEE, the developer portal which comes (the street cart one) is it based on Drupal? I got to know from an insider source that APIGEE is offering two flavors of Developer portal.

One on Drupal CMS (which is priced) and the other based on HTML5 (for free version)

Can someone please clarify this?

And can i customize the free version of the developer portal for any theming to showcase the portal capability for one of our potential clients.



0 2 623

Hello Raghav,

I believe the free trial instance of Developer Portal (StreetCarts) is not based on Drupal. Nothing seems to indicate it is. This one looks like a slim version of it, that you can play with.

I could be wrong of course, and someone who works at Apigee should confirm this.

Now, you can in deed customize this free version of the dev portal. You can read all about it here, and more specifically for theming in here.

You should be able to do all this directly from your Apigee Edge trial account, by going to: Publish -> Portals. Once you add your "StreetCarts" demo portal, just click on it, and there you will find the different options to modify it, including theming.

I hope this answers some of your questions.


Esteban S.

New Member

Hi @Raghavendra and @Esteban Solano,

Esteban is absolutely correct. The lightweight StreetCarts portal is not based on Drupal.

Apigee delivers the following two types of developer portals:

For a comparison of features, see Feature comparison of the portal development tools.

Everything else that Esteban has stated above is correct wrt theming and portal access.

Hope this helps!
