Apigee Hybrid 1.11 on GKE using Helm Charts - Error in Install Environment step

Hi All, for apigee hybrid 1.11  installation on GKE using helm I am facing an error at the step 11 point no. 8 - installing the environment  https://cloud.google.com/apigee/docs/hybrid/v1.11/helm-install-helm-charts


`helm upgrade dev apigee-env/ \ --install \ --namespace apigee \ --atomic \ --set env=dev \ -f overrides.yaml \ --dry-run`

Error - Error: template: apigee-env/templates/udca-gsa-secret.yaml:11:50: executing "apigee-env/templates/udca-gsa-secret.yaml" at <$env.serviceAccountSecretRefs.udca>: nil pointer evaluating interface {}.udca


Apigee Environment name is dev so far no issue in other steps.  Any pointers?

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Check the Helm Version on your terminal by running `helm version`. If its 3.9 or less then that is most likely the reason for the error. I received the same error and my Helm version was 3.9.3. 


helm version


Upgrade Helm by running the command below from the directory where you first installed Helm. The `get_helm.sh` file should be present there.  This should fetch the latest version and install it and then the error should be resolved. 





thanks a lot ! it reverted to 3.9 in cloud shell now i have set it up as part of startup script to 3.14