Cannot delete developer used in DEVELOPER_HAS_RATE_PLAN

Not applicable

Is there a way to delete a user who has been placed on a Monetized product? Trying to delete the developer results in a "Cannot delete developer used in DEVELOPER_HAS_RATE_PLAN".

I ended their rate plan so they would not have any active plans. It is still throwing the same error though.

Is there an additional step I need to take, or can I not delete these users?


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yes @Kumiko Yamazaki, please contact Apigee support to remove any developers/apps associated with a monetization plan

New Member

Kumiko, can you share the reason to delete the live developer Apps? A Hard Delete for any Developer with live traffic is not supported in the system. This partially has to do with contract bound traffic needs to be saved for auditing purpose.

Hi @harsh,

I can see how it makes sense that you would not allow these users to be deleted (or worse, delete themselves).

The reason we were looking to delete them though was because we have some automated tests for creating a new user, signing up for a Monetized plan, etc, and we'd like to be able to delete these users after running our tests.




did you find a way to do this??