Creating Apigee Proxies with OpenAPI Specification in Restricted Environment.


I am currently engaged in developing an Apigee API proxy leveraging the OpenAPI specification. My workflow typically involves the use of Apigee's OpenAPI Spec feature for this purpose. However, due to my organization's policies, I am unable to utilize public repositories for storing or accessing OpenAPI specifications.

Given these constraints, I am exploring alternative approaches to efficiently create and manage Apigee API proxies with OpenAPI specs in a controlled, private environment. Could you kindly share any best practices, tools, or methodologies that can be adopted in such scenarios?

Specifically, I am interested in understanding:

  • Secure methods to store and access OpenAPI specs within private repositories.
  • Strategies for integrating these private specs with Apigee's API proxy creation process.
  • Any relevant experiences or insights from those who have navigated similar challenges.

Your expertise and suggestions will be invaluable in assisting me to streamline this process while adhering to our organizational compliance standards.

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.


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@dchiesa1 can you please help me with this query ?

You could consider, as you mentioned.. using a private repository.. 

Take a look at tooling such as
Note, if using Apigee X/Hybrid you may need to tweak the output of this

This can help generate an API proxy from an OAS. 

You can then use CI CD to deploy the API proxy to Apigee. 

The NPM for OpenAPItoAPIGEE is good, but do we have direct feature to upload openApi Specs to Apigee Edge UI to create Api proxies ? 

You should consider managing the OpenAPI documents in Apigee's API Hub feature. Once the API is registered in Hub, you can create and attach revisions of the API, which can be associated directly to the OpenAPI spec. 

If you need to generate the proxy definitions offline or via command line, there are built-in capabilities in apigeecli. This tool supports X/hybrid.

Thank you. But We are using Apigee OPDK.  nor x or hybrid.