Custom VPC for your Apigee X

Why Google recommends that not use "default" VPC network created for all Cloud projects in a production environment?  Below screenshot for quick reference & here is the link to the Google documentation.meenakshisundar_1-1700851730395.png

  1. What points to be considered (or) cons, when we decide to use "defaultVPC network created for all Cloud projects in a Apigee X production environment.
  2. What is the benefit / advantage of using Custom VPC, instead of the "default" Network?
  3. Is there any video (or) guide to create custom VPC network specifically for Apigee X account, apart from this one.

Meenakshi Sundar.

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@dchiesa1 / @nandiniy  could you please provide your guidance on this topic, if you have time. Thank you.