How can I conduct a POC of Apigee hybrid?

Hi there,

How can i do a poc using a apigee hybrid features/policies however i got access to edge but looking  to do with hybrid features/policies only. Can i use apigee X are this features of polices are similar like hybrid, if yes do we got a free trail of apigee x? pls advice.

I can setup hyrbid using gcp but its getting expensive (in terms of price) hence is there any similar free trial.

The reason Apigee Edge is not appropriate for our  poc:   in edge we can encrypt jwt with out a java callout.  there are some operations not compatible in edge that are in hybrid. 

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You're correct that there are things you can do in X/hybrid that are not possible in Apigee Edge.

Apigee Edge is the prior version of Apigee, which Google continues to maintain, but as far as I know, there are no new features being added. If you want to be on the current Apigee, you need to use Apigee X or hybrid.

I understand what you are saying about hybrid being expensive - you need to provision a GKE cluster, or have your own Kubernetes cluster somewhere. And that can be expensive, I suppose.

Apigee X is available for free trial use, or for a low-cost Pay-as-you-go (PAYG) use. (pricing options) The difference here: the PAYG organization can continue indefinitely and is supported for production use. The "Free trial" evaporates in 60 days, and is not production-grade.

Apigee X and Apigee hybrid have similar but not exactly the same features. They use the same code base, but there is some delay in releasing features in one versus the other. In general, over time they trend to having the same features, but at any point in time, there may be a difference in supported features.

lastly, regarding

in edge we can encrypt jwt with out a java callout. there are some operations not compatible in edge that are in hybrid.

You can produce an encrypted JWT in hybrid or X without resorting to a Java callout. The GenerateJWT policy in hybrid or X will generate encrypted  or signed JWT. I think the same is not true for Apigee Edge - the GenerateJWT policy can generate only signed JWT. This may be what you are saying.

Thanks for the details. Could you pls point me to a installation setup how to create a platform of apigee X.I think this is easy to create compare to Hybrid.

what is the difference between apigee X and apigee hybrid interms of features like both has same polices, traffic management, security controls(oAuth2,etc),mediation(Assign messages, etc)? Is that apigee  X is the replacement of apigee edge and apige Hybrid is like on premise+ control plane(cloud)? correct me if my understanding is correct. I worked on hybrid and edge but missing the difference.

@yeramalla77 wrote:

Is that apigee  X is the replacement of apigee edge and apige Hybrid is like on premise+ control plane(cloud)? correct me if my understanding is correct.


Apigee X is a fully managed product.  The control plane and runtime plane both run in Google Cloud.

Apigee hybrid is ... hybrid.  The control plane runs in Google Cloud.  The runtime plane runs.... where you want it to run.  In your own kubernetes cluster, _somewhere_. 

That's the difference.