I Can't complete Lesson 6 Assign Auth Header

Not applicable

Hi , I'm doing the "Lesson 6: My First Policy (Assign Message)" tutorial.

I now micheal says things can change since the filming, but the code isint working. i get a

" Error while Uploading file for API micheals-Jokes.

Error occurred while validation of bean Assign-Headers.xml. Reason: - Schema validation failed. Cause : unexpected element (uri:"", local:"Header"). Expected elements are <{}Headers>,<{}StatusCode>,<{}QueryParams>,<{}Payload>,<{}ReasonPhrase>,<{}FormParams>,<{}Verb>,<{}Version>,<{}Path>. Line number : 13. Column number : 67. File name : Assign-Headers.xml.."

message for no good reason. whagt changed since the filming, and i cant post stuff on the lesson community because there isint.

lil help please?

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Not applicable

I try 3 times ... at /services/ I put only /service/ (without s at the end).

Not applicable

What in particular were you doing that caused this error? Are you still having a problem now?