Integrated Portal restrict scopes for developer apps


I'm trying to get the integrated portal working with an Open API specs which defines many scopes like

resource:read, resource:write, resource:delete etc. The portal has many API Products and each API product is configured in UI with multiple such scopes. These scopes are defined in the Open API spec as well

When I try the Authorization (using the Authorize button) It provides me a list of scopes to chose from the list defined in Open API spec. But I want to restrict some developer apps to have only a few scopes vs the complete list in the API product/Open API spec. 

I'm unable to associate scopes to apps from the UI.


1. Is this the right approach to restrict access?

2. How do I accomplish this task of providing limited scopes to the Apps.

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are you using openAPI 3.0.0 and APIGEEX ? If so can you please share your YAML