Public Cloud - Partial Failure When Deploying

Not applicable

I have been trying to deploy a node proxy using `apigeetool`, but deployment results in a partial failure:

$ apigeetool deploynodeapp -n myproxy -d . -m apigee.js -o myorg -b mybasepath -u -p mypassword -e test

"myproxy" Revision 11
  environment = test
  base path = /
Partial Failure: {"status":"deployed","type":["router"],"uUID":"128875b4-2e2c-4803-ab44-ef03c2b27145"}Partial Failure: {"status":"deployed","type":["router"],"uUID":"d1947fa3-0689-47b5-abef-d70e6e19e815"}Partial Failure: {"status":"deployed","type":["router"],"uUID":"df2fbeec-b028-4d3c-bb96-a827b235166e"}

Since it is specified as a Partial Failure, I still try to make a request, but I end up with this response:

  "fault": {
    "faultstring": "Unable to identify proxy for host: default and url: /mybasepath",
    "detail": {
      "errorcode": "messaging.adaptors.http.configuration.ApplicationNotFound"

When checking my proxy configuration, everything looks fine:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ProxyEndpoint name="default">
    <PostFlow name="PostFlow">
    <PreFlow name="PreFlow">
    <RouteRule name="default">

Finally, I make a request with `curl` to get information about the deployment:

$ curl -u -s

  "environment" : [ {
    "name" : "test",
    "revision" : [ {
      "configuration" : {
        "basePath" : "/",
        "steps" : [ ]
      "name" : "11",
      "server" : [ {
        "error" : "Unexpected error occurred while processing the updates",
        "errorCode" : "messaging.runtime.UpdateFailed",
        "status" : "error",
        "type" : [ "message-processor" ],
        "uUID" : "c8d88d3b-b847-4c9e-a095-d69c3e126b0b"
      }, {
        "error" : "Unexpected error occurred while processing the updates",
        "errorCode" : "messaging.runtime.UpdateFailed",
        "status" : "error",
        "type" : [ "message-processor" ],
        "uUID" : "0507dbd8-7f72-42b1-ac78-cdbfdbefa287"
      }, {
        "status" : "deployed",
        "type" : [ "router" ],
        "uUID" : "128875b4-2e2c-4803-ab44-ef03c2b27145"
      }, {
        "status" : "deployed",
        "type" : [ "router" ],
        "uUID" : "d1947fa3-0689-47b5-abef-d70e6e19e815"
      }, {
        "status" : "deployed",
        "type" : [ "router" ],
        "uUID" : "df2fbeec-b028-4d3c-bb96-a827b235166e"
      } ],
      "state" : "error"
    } ]
  } ],
  "name" : "myproxy",
  "organization" : "myorg"

Since this is the public cloud server, I do not have access to log files for the `router` and `message-processor`.

The application starts up flawlessly from the command line in local:

$ trireme ./apigee.js
0 8 309

Hi @abrodeur I see that you did not specify the "/" as part of the base-path. Hence the proxy is not accessible. Try deleting the proxy and uploading again with Apigeetool.

Here is the command (also help link).

$ apigeetool deploynodeapp -n myNodeApp -d . -m server.js -o myorg -e test -b /myNodeApp -u ntesla -p myPassword

I still get the same error message :

$ apigeetool deploynodeapp -n myproxy -d . -m apigee.js -o myorg -e test -b "/mybasepath" -u -p mypassword

"myproxy" Revision 12
  environment = test
  base path = /
Partial Failure: {"status":"deployed","type":["router"],"uUID":"128875b4-2e2c-4803-ab44-ef03c2b27145"}Partial Failure: {"status":"deployed","type":["router"],"uUID":"d1947fa3-0689-47b5-abef-d70e6e19e815"}Partial Failure: {"status":"deployed","type":["router"],"uUID":"df2fbeec-b028-4d3c-bb96-a827b235166e"}

It did work before without the "/" at the beginning. The reason I ommited it is because the proxy URL will not be, but instead Files/Git/mybasepath. Might it have any relation to the fact that I am using Git Bash on Windows 10 ?

It is also impossible to delete the proxy. One of the revisions cannot be fetched in the datastore (500 HTTP Status), preventing deletion for said proxy. I did try to deploy to a new proxy, but to no avail.

I guess you only showing here but actually did not include a double quote around the base path in deploy command.

I did include it.

pls don't include double quotes and try again.

@sudheendra Same result

Can you share details of your Org?

ORG: facilitemontreal

PROXY: brp-star-adapter

I also tried with CMD and PowerShell, but the error still persists