target server

I have 2 target servers

1. host1:8888

2. host2:8201

Also I have 2 api where I am using above target serves.

For #1 below target url is being created


For #2 below target url is being created


Please note in both api target urls port is not appended in target urls. Issue is 1st api is working but 2nd api is not working.

0 1 165

Please attach more and clearer information. In general, it's easier for people to help if you give more information.

You have two target servers. Include in your description the result of the mgmt API call GET on those entities.

curl -i -n $mgmtserver/v1/o/$ORG/e/$ENV/targetservers/$TARGET

I'm not clear why you would have two totally different paths for your different target servers . That's not normally how target servers work. Can you explain why one request has a path of /contentListener and another has a path of /nis/inspectapi/v1/inspect/validate ?

Also, please elaborate on what you mean by "below target url is being created." If you mean, this is the URL that Apigee Edge is using dynamically at runtime, then please SHOW THAT by capturing the trace UI Screen and attaching it here. If you mean something else, please clarify. It would probably help if you also show us the target definition.

Finally, you say:

Issue is 1st api is working but 2nd api is not working.

What exactly do you mean by "working" and "not working"? Please give details to support your statements. What are you observing, SPECIFICALLY? If you are observing that the server at target2 is not responding when Apigee Edge attempts to connect, have you tested that server2 is responding from a system that is not Apigee Edge? What other tests have you conducted and what other relevant observations can you share?