4 conditions to apply filter

Hi Ive asked a similar question in the past with 3 conditions and ended up using an if statement, this time I would like 4 conditions so Im at a loss how to start it.
The slice is of my "Timesheet" table where I have 3 columns to which the filter will be applied: [Date], [Project], and [Full Name]. These will be compared to 4 columns in the "Staff" table, [FilterFrom], [FilterTo], [FilterProject], and [FilterName]. 
So it gets trickier where I would like both [FilterProject] and [FilterName] to be EnumList's. Also if any of the filter values from the "Staff" table are empty I would like them to not be included in the filter (i.e. include all [Date]s, [Project]s, [Name]s.
The slice conditions would be something like:




[Full Name]=LIST(Staff[FilterName])

I hope that makes sense and as always, any help would be gratefully received!!

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