404 Directory Not Found in OneDrive

I created file archieving using formula like this in OneDrive, using formulas 


and the files generated from Bot saved to default folder


The FIle already redirected to appsheet default folder in one drive, but it always returned 404 Directory Not Found

the regnerated link



the error screenshot



Solved Solved
1 12 1,323

Great, thanks for the extra details, I think I understand now.

It seems to me the issue is that you're trying to look up the file with a full path from your OneDrive root, when you should just be using a relative path.

I assume the data source is stored in the "AssetOpname...." folder, so if the files are being generated in the "Files" subfolder, you should just need to use the relative path of:


View solution in original post


I can't make sense of this. What are you trying to do?

I created bot (Create File) that saved in appsheet default folder :


i have a table that column type files that read default folder

but it returned 404 directory not found 

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

I don't use OneDrive, but this doesn't look right to me:


Did you type that in manually?

No I dont, i click the icon 


and it pop up the menu to select the template, and after it finished, the link is automated generated.

The default folder is :



i tried multiple scenarios, in formulas that i created here, ini columns file type


that results come up with this : 









but no one works

I still don't understand what exactly the issue is. Can you elaborate in more detail? Are you having trouble saving a Bot-created file to the appropriate directory? How are you trying to open it?

hi @Marc_Dillon sorry i don't clearly elaborate the issues.

1. I make a Create File Bot


and it used default appsheet saved folder, in my apps the default saved folder is located in appsheet/data/AssetOpname-office365-2147180/Files, the bot works perfect, it can generate files. the result will be : 



appsheet/data/AssetOpname-office365-2147180/Files/AssetOpname_a3c59e02 --> a3c59e02 is generated from UNIQUEID() function in appsheet that written in [Nomor BAST]

2. then, i want to make an action button, that can open the files after generated by bot while the status change to "approved"


so i make behaviour when the status approved it created link to the generated files

CONCATENATE("appsheet/data/AssetOpname-office365-2147180/Files/",โ€œAssetOpname_โ€, [Nomor BAST], โ€œ.pdfโ€) -> i created the link exactly same in number 1 --> in the appsheet default folder


i thought there will be no error, becase the apps shown the file name



but when i clicked it returned 404 Directory Not Found


so i tried a couple link like this :









and it still keep returned error


I'm using the same formulas and procedure in Gdrive and theres nothing wrong, but the problems always in one drive.

Great, thanks for the extra details, I think I understand now.

It seems to me the issue is that you're trying to look up the file with a full path from your OneDrive root, when you should just be using a relative path.

I assume the data source is stored in the "AssetOpname...." folder, so if the files are being generated in the "Files" subfolder, you should just need to use the relative path of:


Thank you very much @Marc_Dillon i'm looking for the answers for a week, and the solution works perfect

Hi @adityo_reksopra ,

I have the same issue in onedrive, I have tried to figure out it following the thread but I couldn't. Can you help me by showing the final expression in the 'new value' and 'file name prefix' you used?

My files are saved in the same folder where is the template, but different sub folder (Files and Content)

thank you!


Hi @Julio_Moyano 

this is my expression:
CONCATENATE("/Files/",โ€œAssetOpname_โ€, [Nomor BAST], โ€œ.pdfโ€)

Thanks @adityo_reksopra 

I found the issue, the default app folder was not the same where the data spreadsheet is and template.




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