Please help me if you can! would be a great help. So, I have two column status - pending, under process, complete and cancel and there are further comments for complete and cancel. Comments are in form of dropdown menu like some are reasons for cancel and in case of complete what is the result, there are 3 results and around 8 reasons.

I want to add a button to me APPSHEET menu that updates the status from pending to under process then under process to complete and when updating status to complete it also asks to select from the results and another comment box to type anything they want to and in case of updating status from pending to cancel it asks the reason for cancellation that i have a dropdown menu of in my sheet.

i am creating an action button with IFS statement to change status but idk what to use for reason/result and a comment box along with updating the status.

sorry if I made this too long


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Um eine detaillierte Lรถsung anbieten zu kรถnnen, benรถtigt man Ihre Datenstruktur und Ihre bereits durchgefรผhrten Aktionen.

Bis dahin empfehle ich das folgende Erklรคrvideo zum Erstellen von gruppierten Aktionen--> Gruppenaktion Ausfรผhren einer Abfolge von Aktionen

Status - Pending, under process, complete, cancel

Complete status- In case of cancel - parts not available, under warranty, done by someone else, out of service area, and so on & in case of complete - visit, service and business.

first i want to select status and then depending on status if complete or cancel further option and lastly an option to add a comment

and to do this I want to add an action button 

You repeated the same thing you wrote at the beginning, which doesn't really help. Regarding my question about your data structure, it is necessary to know how many tables the bot is referring to and which table is the starting point of the bot.

Please watch the following video where an Appsheet beginner creates his first actions to understand how complex it is-->How to update one table with form entries from another table 

Wait! I am sorry for the confusion. let me know if this helps.

this is the table i am adding data to and it includes the column status and reason.Screenshot 2023-08-19 at 4.39.53 PM.png

and this is where i am extraction the status and Reasons fromScreenshot 2023-08-19 at 4.40.31 PM.png

this is what my app looks like . As you can see it shows my leads according to status and i want to add a button here to directly change that without going to the form and then edit and then scroll down to the options and manually add or update everything.Screenshot 2023-08-19 at 4.43.48 PM.png

I Hope this helps. Please let me know if you need anything else understanding this.

Leider handelt es sich hierbei um eine Googlesheet- und nicht um eine Appsheet-Darstellung Ihrer Daten, da es keine sichtbare Typdarstellung oder Schlรผsselspalte gibt.

Schade, dass Sie dieses Video wahrscheinlich auch nicht gesehen haben (Wie erstellt man eine Aktion  ), denn wenn Sie die [Personen]-Videotabelle als Ihre Tabellentabelle und die [Update]-Videotabelle als extrahierte Statustabelle einfรผhren, kรถnnen Sie Ihre ersten Aktionen leicht nachstellen.

Tipp: Machen Sie sich vorher Gedanken รผber Ihre Spaltennamen, da eine Schlรผsselspalte [ID] nicht erkennbar ist.

Ik I can easily recreate the first action to update the status! I am just asking how to add the second action along with second action on the same button. Which view of the app do you need? I am sorry I am having difficulty understanding that! 

create a third action that executes your 2 actions, check that all actions are allowed by the slices

Sie benรถtigen nur Snippets aus dem App-Editor.

Die Daten wie in diesem Beispielthreaddaten und die Aktionen wie in diesem Beispielthread

I think the easiest way to do that is with create an "Action".. . 

"Action" can affect row to change any data (in your case is "status")

So, you need to create a table to store that status (better add date so we know the time it changed)


Hope it will help



Along with status I need to change the reason too with the same button. Like to update status from pending to cancel, I have one button that does pending->Cancel and asks to select a reason from the dropdown menu. 

I am asking if something like that is possible?

As i know ,With action behavior we can create many processes, not only one 

And between action can call each other




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