AND condition

New Member

Is there anything wrong in this statement. I am using this in Slice to filter out Rows when both condiions are TRUE. Status is ENUMLIST.

AND([Route] = “Yelahanka”, ANY( [Status]) = “Won”)

This conditon is not working for me.

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Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Note that in AppSheet, if the left-side operand value of an is-equal-to (=) or is-not-equal-to (<>) operator is blank, the expression will be TRUE regardless of the right-side operand.

In your expression, if [Route] is blank, [Route] = “Yelahanka” is TRUE; likewise, if [Status] is blank, ANY( [Status]) = “Won” is TRUE.

The simplest way to avoid this behavior is to put the non-blank value on the left side:

AND(“Yelahanka” = [Route], “Won” = ANY( [Status]))

thanks will try didnt know the " " values can be placed in left of = sign.

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