API Integration with RSS (Really Simple Systems) CRM software

Hi Guys,

Does anyone have any experience with integrating AppSheet with a CRM software called RSS (Really Simple Systems)?

I am totally green when it comes to API integration so please bear with me. I've briefly looked into using Zapier and I have had a chat with a tech guy from RSS (who knew nothing about AppSheet) both of which suggest I will only be able "Create" new data in the RSS system. Is this actually the case or is AppSheet more powerful than I'm aware of because ideally I want to be able to "update" existing records in RSS from AppSheet (and vice versa).

Any help would be welcome as always.

Many thanks


@AleksiAlkio @LeventK 

0 8 287

What does API Documentation for RSS say

I think it should be possible



You have to make PATCH request to the server i guess. Please see the screenshots from their API Documentation below








Hi Jyothis,

Thank you so much for your response. As I have said I am a total novice when it comes to this sort of integration. Is there any chance you would be willing to catch up on Zoom or Teams to help me through the process?

Many thanks


Happy to help. Shall send a direct message.

To get started, you can create an Automation in Appsheet to Call a Webhook as shown below. Feel free to ask if get stuck



Hi jyothis_m
Apologies for not replying back or continuing with this. I was actually able to pursue it with another member of this forum (who will remain nameless), who I have worked with a lot. Unfortunately, back in November, for some reason just before we got a definitive answer as to the levels of integration that might be possible with RSS, they severed all comms with me. I have tried other routes but have had no luck.
Is there any chance we could pick this up again please? Iโ€™m getting a bit desperate now. Could we private message or better still do a teams link up. Iโ€™m more than happy to pay for your time if that it maintains a good level of comms.
Many thanks

Integrating systems can feel like diving into the deep end, right? I remember when I was in your shoes, trying to figure out how to sync data between platforms. It's like a puzzle! I found this amazing tool during my search that made it all click. It allowed me to not only create new data but also update existing records seamlessly. And hey, if you're keen on exploring, you should check out monday free trial too! It's a great way to dive into new tools hassle-free.

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