APPSHEET formula to be editable

I  want to put a formula where if the conditions are not met, it becomes editable so that the user writes the answer. I put the following example: I would like to put in the EDITABLE part



  (WEEKDAY(TODAY()) = 1), "Sunday",

  (WEEKDAY(TODAY()) = 2), "Monday",

  (WEEKDAY(TODAY()) = 3), "Tuesday",

  (WEEKDAY(TODAY()) = 4), "Wednesday",

  (WEEKDAY(TODAY()) = 5), "Thursday",

  (WEEKDAY(TODAY()) = 6), "Friday",



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Once a column has an "App Formula" it cannot be made editable.

Instead, insert your expression (without the "TRUE,EDITABLE" part) into the "Initial Value" property.  You can then set the "Editable" property to allow the user to enter a value only when the column has not been set.  Editable? property would be something like:


[_THIS] is a reserved keyword for the current column.

NOTE:  If you wish to enforce that a user can ONLY enter the Weekday values, then set the column as Enum and enter the acceptable values, "Sunday" - "Friday"  into the columns value list.  Still set "Initial Value" and "Editable" like described above.  This way the user uses a dropdown to choose the Weekday rather than typing it in and typing it in wrong.

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