About dashboard (interactive mode on) when there is one parent table and two child tables

I am creating an application with one parent table and two child tables (referencing the same parent).
The view is a dashboard ("Interactive mode" is ON).
I have arranged the tables in the following order: parent table, child table 1, child table 2.

My ideal would be that when I select one piece of data in the parent table, the data in both of the two child tables would be narrowed down.

However, right now, when I select one of the data in the parent table, the data in child table 1 is narrowed down, but not the data in child table 2.

Is there a better way to do this?
Please someone help me.

0 1 84
  • UX

@Minoyaki wrote:

However, right now, when I select one of the data in the parent table, the data in child table 1 is narrowed down, but not the data in child table 2.

Both Child tables should be filtered when you select the Parent row. 

Double check that you have the Parent reference column in the Child 2 table setup correctly - i.e. you MUST have a Ref column to the Parent row.  

Do you have a [Related Child 2] column in the Parent table that was AUTOMATICALLY inserted?  This is another way to double-check the ref connection is setup correctly.


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