Add 2 Grouping aggregation into the top of the table

Hello, is it possible to add one more "Grouping" as Sum function to show together with Count funciton after filtering? Thank you.

Red text imagination as below:


0 4 211

No.  Only a single Aggregate value is allowed per Grouping.

However, you could create a custom Grouping label using expressions to build exactly what you are showing in the image.   Then simply use that label column to Group by.

Hello WillowMobileSys,

Not sure how to implement it. A little bit abstract... No idea what label means here.. 🙂

Yes, being abstract since I don't know your knowledge level.  Your Community ranking implies you have more than beginner knowledge.  Also, I would need more details from your app to give more precise explanation.

In your view, the current Grouping name "Total Row(s):" is being used as the Grouping Label.  Its just a term describing how the value is being used, not an actual setting in the app.

What I am suggesting is to create another column in your table that is being grouped, best if it is a Virtual Column.  Create an expression that builds the value just like what you are showing in your post image.  Then simply set that column as the Grouping column.  The value is then used as the "Grouping Label".   


I tried it before and not working at all.

What I tried is creat a VC,  with formula=Sum(A[id]).

P.S.: Above A is table name, [id] is a numeric column, not unique key.

VC is not going to change value after filterinig. I am not sure is that what you are trying to tell me. If that is the same thing, then I will say it doesn't work.


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