Add an Expression to a Value?

Hey there. I'm trying to make an expression that adds an expression to a value. The column that I have is called TERRITORY NO. It always has a single number in this column on my sheet, for example 6. But in my app, I want it read as Territory 6 (20 Left) in my Data Entry view only. This count goes down every time a check mark is added.

In my app, all of the data is grouped by Territory No. So this feature is handy for data entry. I'm trying to use in place of the Group aggregate (since we can't make our own Group aggregate expression). I tried this in the initial values section of my TERRITORY NO. column. Everything worked but it didn't display the number.

Not sure where to put the expression or if it is even possible.

CONTEXT("View")="Data Entry ",
&" ("(COUNT(select(Database[ID #],true))-COUNT(select(Database[ID #],[CHECK]="Yes")))
&" "Left")"

0 3 95

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Missing an ampersand (&) here:


&" ("(COUNT should be &" ("&(COUNT.

Thank you for the adjustment to the expression. Unfortunately it's still not affecting the value or Group aggregate. The Territory No either stays blank or the same with no changes. I tried it in in both the "App formula" and the "Initial values" section of the TERRITORY NO. column. Hmm

CONTEXT("View")="Data Entry ",
&" ("&(COUNT(select(Database[ID #],true))-COUNT(select(Database[ID #],[CHECK]="Yes")))
&" "Left")"


With a little trail and error I figured it out. I created a virtual column called Territory Number Title and I put the new expression in App Formula section and it worked! I can group the columns by the Territory Number Title and get the countdown I was looking for..

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