Adding data from multiple tables into 1 PDF

Hi Guys,

I am trying to figure out a way to add data from multiple tables into one pdf export. I have discovered it is not as simple as simply using the variables from the different tables in the one template, they just come through empty.
I thought a solution may be to add all the data from the tables into 1 giant sheet, importing the data using ARRAYFORMULA's, and referencing that sheet as a table. I found that didn't work either... All the variables from the generated template came through empty...

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!





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In general, if you wish to print record values from various tables in one PDF report, you will need to use suitable start expressions that identify the records from those various tables you wish to include in the report.

So the general format can be as follows

<<START:  SELECT( Table1 [Key 1], "Argument in select that idenfies the rows for the report)>>

[Table1Column 1]

[Table1Column n]



<<START:  SELECT( Table2 [Key 2], "Argument in select that idenfies the rows for the report)>>

[Table2Column 1]

[Table2Column n]



<<START:  SELECT( Table3 [Key 3], "Argument in select that idenfies the rows for the report)>>

[Table3Column 1]

[Table3Column n]



If those tables are referenced to each other, you can in general use reverse reference columns suitably to get the related children table rows for the report.

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