Address column management


I have the address columns [SH_reg_address], [SH_biz_address] and [SH_post_address].

I would like to insert two Y/N columns to use as a toggle to copy the [SH_reg_address] value to the [SH_biz_address] value, and the [SH_biz_address] to the [SH_post_address] value if the Y button is selected in the Add or Edit form.

The idea is that the user does not have to type out the address each time if the business address is the same as the registered address and/or the postal address is the same as the business address.

I have tried using the App formula expression, the Initial value expression but I cannot get to anything that works well.  I am thinking this is a common form issue so there must be a better solution that I have not been able to find.

Thank you in advance for any assistance with my problem.  John

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Thanks Elvic.

That appraoch works when I add a new row and the form is being filled for the first time.  However, when I go and edit that row after saving, the method does not work.  I suspect the initial value approach does not work in edit mode.

Is there another appraoch that works in both add and edit mode?

View solution in original post

@Elvic 's expression is a good one.

Please additionally enable reset on edit setting in the column [SH-biz-address]

Also testing showed that for the suggested expression to work "Geocoding Enabled?" setting needs to be off. If you are needing geocoded addresses, this expression may not work.

View solution in original post


It should be simple or I didn’t get the issue.

initial value formula for [SH-biz-address]:

if( And( isnotblank([SH_reg_address]), [toggle1]=True), [SH_reg_address], “”)

This should set your biz-address as the same as reg-address when you switch the toggle

Thanks Elvic.

That appraoch works when I add a new row and the form is being filled for the first time.  However, when I go and edit that row after saving, the method does not work.  I suspect the initial value approach does not work in edit mode.

Is there another appraoch that works in both add and edit mode?

@Elvic 's expression is a good one.

Please additionally enable reset on edit setting in the column [SH-biz-address]

Also testing showed that for the suggested expression to work "Geocoding Enabled?" setting needs to be off. If you are needing geocoded addresses, this expression may not work.

@Suvrutt_Gurjar  - Thank you as well for your time in assisting with the solution.  This works well.

I would create a separate virtual column with biz address along with
regular column for manual biz address entry.
When toggle “same” is applied i would hide the column for manual entry
and show this virtual one.
Virtual formula I would put like:
If (toggle is applied, make it equal registry address, otherwise
manual entry column.

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@Suvrutt_Gurjar I even didn't know about this "Reset on edit". I I spent already hundreds of hours on AppSheet... you always have something to learn)

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