Allowing editing of only part of the form: ho...

Allowing editing of only part of the form: how to?

So I have this app still on the making, which engineers will use in order to verify works.

So, first time engineer will add a new verification, it adds the timestamp of that verification (if he saves the form, of course).

But sometimes the verification will result in a non approved status, whereupon the engineer should decide some course of action to correct the non-conformity and re-verify the same item on a later date.

Now, I noticed that so far my app allows users to edit any previously saved form.

I allowed edits exactly because I need the engineer to add a re-verification of the non-conform items.

But I want the first part of the form (1st verification) to be non editable. When doing a re-verification, only the Re-verification part of the form should be editable.

Maybe a better option than to have a part of the form non-editable and the other part editable would be to have the re-verification in a new form?

So I make the table non editable and thatโ€™s it. If an work item is approved and the form is saved, the option for a new form is added.

If an work item has a non conformity, instead of saving the incomplete form to fill it later, maybe the form should be saved completed and a new one opened for the re-verification?

BUT that adds a problemโ€ฆ because then I will not be able to filter only work items that STILL have non-conformities, as any item with a non-conformity would stay that way foreverโ€ฆ

Any insight in what method is better (if someone faced a similar problem) and how to deal with method 1 (if that is the better method), that is, allowing only 2nd part of form to be edited.

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I would prefer the first method because then you would not need to have an extra form. You just need to control the field is it a new record or not.

Using โ€œEditable_ifโ€ Column constraint set to โ€œis_blankโ€ has a problem. The moment the user changes the value of the column the field already freezes. That would be very problematic as itโ€™s easy to make accidental errors when choosing an item from a list, etc.

My wish is to ONLY freeze items to editing after the form is saved, not while filling the form the first time.

You can do that with the suitable Editable_If formula. For exampleโ€ฆ

NOT(IN([KeyColumn],TableName[KeyColumn])) or like


@Aleksi_Alkio Thanks for trying to answer Aleksi.

So, the second formula is a time constraint, allowing info to be edited up to X minutes or hours after inserted.

I am however trying to decipher how the first formula worksโ€ฆ


Using the 2nd formulaโ€ฆ set for 30 minutes.

It just seems a pain in the ass as I have some 30 columns and I have to insert the formula in each column

Sometimes itโ€™s better to add a virtual column with the evaluation formula and then read the TRUE/FALSE value with very simple formula. If you need to change it a little, you need to do it only once.

@Aleksi_Alkio I see. Write the same formula in all columns, just checking true or false. The formula generating true or false is what needs to be changedโ€ฆ

When the virtual column is a Y/N column, you can write just [VirtualColumnName] in Editable_If field.

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