Amount of emails per day

I was trying to discover how much email can AppSheet send from an automation and I found this documentation talking about 50 e-mail per day 

I really need to send more emails, about twice as many, is there some way to get this plus?

0 19 843

What type of emails do you need to send? i mean som standard or personalized ?

A personalized template

I don't think there is a limit.

Automation limits - AppSheet Help

Can you confirm this for me, please? I'm trying to contact support since last week cuz this is kind urgent.

Some of my users reported not receiving the emails I did some tests and everything works.
Destination emails are outside my domain.

@Mรดnica wrote:

Some of my users reported not receiving the emails

Ask them to check SPAM

They've already checked

Consider configuring your automation to CC or BCC you on every email so you can see which get sent. If you receive a copy but the intended recipient didn't, the problem is outside AppSheet's control.

Thanks for the advice @Steve 

The article you linked specifies that the 50 email limit is only for embedded app view emails, not regular emails.

What's the difference between both?

The embedded email is an email that contains a form, you can edit it inside the email. here you can see it.

Regular emails are normal emails with just text, links and attachments.

That's explain a lot! Thanks @Ceke 

I assume the emails of my bot are regular
I assume my bot emails are regular
I still haven't received the answer to why they aren't getting it.
Since we probably won't be using this app for too long, I appreciate everyone's help.

Is your app Deployed? if it is'nt Bot's will delivery app just to you as a simulation

It is deployed

Have you tried the test mode in the Automation, it will help you to find something wrong if it is something wrong

For the last two weeks, I have been troubleshooting some of our emails not sending out. Every email sent to a customer is also sent to us. 100% of the time, we get the email, but a growing number of our customers say they have never received the email, even after checking spam.

I have contacted support last week and have not heard anything back.  What used to work just fine for a year is now a serious problem.  I have found it difficult to convince Appsheet support that what I am experiencing is a bug sometimes, and this particular one feels like the hardest sell yet.

@Ferret wrote:

even after checking spam

There are some cases where the filter rules for a particular domain is applied on a higher level so that the users don't even get the email on their spam.

Could you share with us if their emails are custom domain or public ones like hotmail, outlook. gmail, yahoo, etc?

Mostly public

I sent about 20k emails yesterday in one upload in about 2.25 mins.  This is a cold emailing campaign and I only send them to "gmail" addresses since after all this is built on Google and its much easier to hit the inboxes sending from the same server infrastructure. What I do to check that they go thru is insert a couple email addresses that go to me (not CC or BCC) within the upload. I use a custom template because the dynamic app view will only work with people who can actually access the app itself (or so i'm told).  The only thing Im really concerned about is the spam threshold.  Does it follow the same rules as workspace accounts or because it's sent from appsheets mail server (which should be plenty warmed up) can i push the normal 2k a day parameters? I just sent a test to a gmail and it landed in spam when yesterday it landed in the inbox. So I'm wondering do I need to wait the 24hrs to send again?  I love the ease and simplicity (once you figure it out) but the lack of answers to questions that arise can be frustrating.  But like everything else in development these days just over here playing crash test dummy.  (which really gets exciting with TCPA and FCC)

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