App Sheet Inventory Management

Hey all, I'm trying to create an inventory management system, and am running into a few road blocks. We would like to be able to accomplish the following within app sheets.

Bring in inventory to a specific location

Transfer inventory out of location to be sold


I am currently having trouble with getting app sheet to display the inventory in  the location, however the formulas to calculate total inventory, inventory in, and inventory out are working well. Currently I have the following sheets:

"Item Inventory Data" - Barcode, Image, Item Name, Item Category

"Warehouse Location Data" - Location ID, Location Name, Item Name, Item Quantity (this is where I'm pulling my "Initial Stock" from)

"Inventory In" - Timestamp, Barcode, Quantity, Location Name, Location ID

"Inventory Out" - Timestamp, Barcode, Quantity, Location Name, Location ID

I can add and remove inventory using a form in app sheet, and the current inventory will change, however when I look at the specific location I put it in the item name and quantity aren't displayed until I drill into the location. Currently being displayed under "Related inventory Ins"


Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks 

0 4 703

You can try 

[Item Quantity]
  Inventory In[Quantity],
   [Location ID] = [_THISROW].[Location ID],
   [Barcode] = [_THISROW].[Barcode]
  Inventory Out[Quantity],
   [Location ID] = [_THISROW].[Location ID],
   [Barcode] = [_THISROW].[Barcode]

This is based on the assumption that you have [Barcode] in the Location Data table.

If [Barcode] is your Item "Key", then by specifying [Item Name] as the Label, you only need [Barcode] in your Location Data table because {Barcode] will be replaced by [Item Name] when displayed in your view (underlying spreadsheet keeps the key value)

Thanks TeeSee1, If I'm reading the expression correctly that would be used to calculate total inventory? I am able to calculate that, where I am having issues is with the UX display. Please see screen shots below.


If I drill into PG7 I can see there is malt there, but it is not displaying in my Warehouse Location View.



Screenshot 2022-07-13 094143.pngScreenshot 2022-07-13 094218.pngScreenshot 2022-07-13 094244.png

If I understand your current configuration correctly, you seem to modify your Warehouse Location table slightly.

It should be something like


  • ID: this is either a generic ID or a Natural Multi-column key that should be unique per  Location and Item combination
  • Location ID: Ref to Location Table (I assume you do not have this. It makes more sense to create this separate from Warehouse Location Data table)
  • Item ID/Barcode: Ref to Item Table (Not listed in your original post, but I assume you have this)
  • Item Quantity: Initial Quantity per Location/Item. This does not change ever unless you introduce the concept of period where you update this with the period's initial value
  • Current Inventory (VC): This is where you set the expression I posted earlier.
  • Other columns like descriptions as you see fit.

Item Inventory Data holds the total inventory for the Item.

WLD holds inventory for the Item at a particular location.

I hope this clarifies what I am trying to say. (I could have completely misunderstood you,,,)

Good Afternoon TeeSee1 I have made the adjustments you have suggested, but am still having the same problems with the display. When I bring inventory In to lets say PG7, which is currently empty the information doesn't populate in WLD. It is only when I drill into PG7 the sheet tells me that there is inventory in "related inventory ins".

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