Apps down using Microsoft

I am having multiple apps down - unable to access tables - using Microsoft. Anyone else having these issues?

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I do not seem to have any issues.

Though, my phone and iPad both asked to me sign-in into my Google account when I launched an app. I don’t think I have ever seen that in the two years I have had the apps running on the devices.

On the Microsoft Onedrive side - i see all tables exactly how they were ( no issues). I am at this point DOWN across ALL apps…

I would contact However, you may be experiencing issues with other vendor systems between you and AppSheet.

Can you access other Internet sites/apps?

yes - I can access everything fine - just not the apps. Now- i have 31 deployed apps, so i checked a couple of others. Turns out, it is ONLY the apps using Microsoft Onedrive. My other apps are working fine…?

According to a quick Internet search, it does appear that Microsoft Onedrive is down.

OH! HAHA. Thanks!

Well, according to Microsoft status page all is ok,

I’ll try to see where the other sites I referred to are getting their information.

So I believe the info I was directed to before was bogus - I couldn’t find a date anywhere on that page (gotta love that!)

The same company does have another page indicating no issues with OneDrive. However a person did report an issue on this site about 7 hours ago.

Thanks for helping…

So whats is interesting is… I am now monitoring this more - and i see that the data is updating PERFECT in my microsoft tables - using Onedrive. So is the problem really Microsoft?

With this new information, likely not. Have you contacted yet?

yes. I am just waiting to hear back. Again, thanks for the help… I just had to look at the tables/apps more closely to figure it out…

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