Appsheet Golf Tracker: Location, Wind, & Direction

Hi, I am working on creating an app that I can use for golf shot tracking.  I know there's several apps out there now that do this, but none have the exact metrics/user interface that I feel would work best for me.  So....why not create one with Appsheet!

My question revolves around three things; location, wind, and direction (North, South, East, and West).  My goal for location is to essentially be able to tap a button my app that capture my current position, then when I make my way to my next shot I tap it again and it captures that location.  From the lat/long gathered by doing that I will be able to calculate shot distances, etc.  My plan is to simply include an action button with an '=latlong' fuction that when tapped logs those coordinates.  Does this sound logical, or is there a better method of doing this?

As for wind, I thought it would be cool to be able to capture that data as well on each shot.  I've done some googling, but haven't found much in the way of formulas or functions that grab current weather data at the tap of a button.  My plan would be to just include a function in a button, much like the latlong, that would capture current temp, wind speed/direction, etc when pressed.  This isn't a must have for this app, but would just make it all that much better if possible.

Finally, direction.  The reason for this would be to use it to determine wind effect on shots.  For example, if I show that I hit a 350 yard drive on a hole, that would be a huge outlier (as my normal driving distance is about 280) and possibly skew some stats.  I don't want to negate it from my stat sheet altogether, though, so having the extra metric that maybe there was a 25 mph south wind that day, and the direction of my shot was north would easily allow me to see the wind had a major effect on that shot.  My thought for capturing this would be a simple grab of the iPhone's native compass app.  As long as I'm facing the direction my shot is going, the compass would give me the reading of the direction it's going.  However, along with weather, I've googled and haven't found much that says it's possible to capture a compass reading in appsheet.

Thanks in advance for any help/advice!

0 3 259

Nice project, I like it.

You can create a button for current location for sure.

If you have a table called "Plays" and another called "Shots" that's child of the other, you can create an action on the Plays table with this config:


Then, below that you can have a field on Shots with the expression HERE() and another one with the foreign key to connect Shots with Plays.

If you have any trouble with this, post your follow-up questions

Awesome, thanks for that tip!

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Regarding location, read and understand this:

There is no way to access the device's compass in AppSheet.

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