Appsheet enumlist

I wanted to see if there was a way to have multiple text forms that are set to show if different options from a enumlist form is selected. ex. enumlist with options (Final Cut Pro), (Word), (Photoshop). Then if Final Cut Pro and Photoshop are selected show two different a text entry box.

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Ok got it. So you want the textbox name to be fixed and display it based on items in enumlist. Lets try this way

Texbox-1 show-if

IN("Videos VHS/DVD E-portfolios",[YourEnumListColumn])

Texbox-2 show-if

IN("Final Cut Pro X",[YourEnumListColumn])

Texbox-3 show-if

IN("Logic Pro (v.10.3.1)",[YourEnumListColumn])

Again a reminder - keep the column names short and give lengthy description in the DIPLAY NAME for the column

View solution in original post


You can create the required number of text boxes say 4 and show them based on the items selected in Enumlist by giving the condition expression in SHOW parameter for these columns. 

e.g. show textbox-1 if ISNOTBLANK(INDEX([EnumlistColumn],1))

show textbox-2 if ISNOTBLANK(INDEX([EnumlistColumn],2))

Its not working its giving me this "Column Name 'FINAL CUT Enter all new software title(s) & their versions on a separate line' in Schema 'Untitled spreadsheet_Schema' of Column Type 'LongText' has an invalid show_if constraint '=ISNOTBLANK(INDEX([[Of the current software listed below, select any that should be removed. Including, ones that require a different version for this academic year]],1))'. Unable to find column '[Of the current software listed below, select any that should be removed. Including, ones that require a different version for this academic year]'"

You are using double [[ unnecessarily. Its a syntax error. 

Try this

=ISNOTBLANK(INDEX([Of the current software listed below, select any that should be removed. Including, ones that require a different version for this academic year],1))

Also giving such lengthy name for column is not recommended. You give short name for the column and give full name in the DISPLAY parameter for that column. The full name will get displayed in the App instead of the Column name (short name).

that works to show the next question if any 1 value from enumlist is selected but is there a way to get it to show a specific question is a specific value is selected from enumlist? 

Textbox 1 Show-if


Textbox 2 Show-if



Another option is also there

You can give the TextBox Display Names conditionally based on the Enumlist items.

Display name for Textbox 1 as below

Switch (INDEX([EnumlistColumn],1),

"Value1", "Question 1"

"Value2", "Question 2")

Actually its not working, It is showing the first one like its supposed to but when I click on more than 1 from the enumlist it only shows the first textbox for the 1st box of enumlist selected.

You have to give show if constrain for each text box separately. 

That's what I did but it still shows only the first box selected and not the others if more were selected. Here is a link that shows screenshots


You have to give




I just updated the google drive folder and to add new screenshots. Now it won't show the other choice at all


Again you are doing it the wrong way. 

You only need to check whether INDEX 1 is empty. Don't give equality check in show-if. 

=ISNOTBLANK(INDEX([Of the current software listed below, select any that should be removed. Including, ones that require a different version for this academic year],1))

This is enough.


I pasted it in but now it only shows in sequence. If the 2nd option is checked then it shows the 1st and 2nd, and if the 4th it will not show until 1-4 have been checked. I updated the screenshots in google drive

Ok got it. So you want the textbox name to be fixed and display it based on items in enumlist. Lets try this way

Texbox-1 show-if

IN("Videos VHS/DVD E-portfolios",[YourEnumListColumn])

Texbox-2 show-if

IN("Final Cut Pro X",[YourEnumListColumn])

Texbox-3 show-if

IN("Logic Pro (v.10.3.1)",[YourEnumListColumn])

Again a reminder - keep the column names short and give lengthy description in the DIPLAY NAME for the column

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