Asset Register - Struggling to get my head around data strcuture needed

Hi All,

I am trying to put together an asset register for my scout group. The idea is not only to have the ability to check items in and out, but to add specific detaisl fro each bit of equipment so we know if it is complete or not.

For example a tent will have listed how many poles and pegs it should have with it. But a solar panel only needs to list what sort of cables it is meant to have.

I cna make this all work in google sheets with having separate sheets for each class of equipment (tents, power, kitchen stuff etc) but I can't for the life of me figure out how to lay it out so i can make an appsheet app to work with it all.

Ideally i would like a main page with basic info like category (tent, power etc), if its avaible, check in and out. Then when you click on the unique asset ID it takes you to the specific info about that item with the components listed so we can update as needed to show what is missing/broken for a given bit of kit.

This woudl all be easy if things were all the same but we have vastly differnt things that make more sense to have off in their own category

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Would there be any issue simply listing all the specific details in a basic text column? Or LongText more likely.

Yeah that is an option but it woudl be nice if it could do some ligic checks on numbers and then flag it as needing attenion

For example say a tent needs to have 30 pegs but there are only 28. Have a uneditable bit that says there should be 30 and a box where you entre the 28. It checks and flags it as an incomplete tent


In my head the thought process is

- Main page with asset types listed (tent, soalr batery, kitchen stuff etc)
- Select an asset type and get a list of all the ones that are in that type.
- Select a given asset in that type list and see all its details

That last point needs differnt table structures based on the asset type. 

So can i make it point to a diferent table depending on the asset class asigned?

Maybe look into an entity-attribute-value (EAV) model.

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