Assistance setting up app for teachers to track multiple students with specific accommodations

ATS database model.png

Hello! I am looking for some help with setting up an app for my school. I drew out this diagram to hopefully illustrate what I have planned out so far. The overview is that teachers will open the app and be presented with a form that has only their students and the classroom accommodations for said students. They will use this Form every day, submit it, and then the data can be collated by our Special Education staff for reports for administration and parents at meetings. I'm struggling to set up the tables in a way that will allow teachers to select the accommodations used for their students as checkboxes (for example), linking students to teachers, etc. Any assistance, recommendations, guides or tutorials are appreciated. 

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Habe mal vor lรคngerer Zeit eine sog. "Lehrer-APP" mit Integration einer "Notenverwaltung" anhand folgender 2 รถffentlichen Vorlagen entworfen: Lehrer-Stundenplan und Anwesenheitsverfolgungs-App .

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