Attachment Folder Path creating subfolder error

Hi everyone, I have a problem that did not occur before. 😞

I created a bot that generates a PDF based on the provided data and stores it in a Google Drive folder. The problem is that I have specified a subfolder which it does not create now, but adds it to the company name, thus creating a folder.

I am using "/Files/"&[Company name]&"/service/" in Attachment Folder Path which worked until now.

Before: /Files/Test company/service/created.pdf but now: /Files/Test companyservice/created.pdf

When I test it in the Expression Assistant, it appears as follows: /Files/Company name/service/

Thank you for all your help!

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And your company name doesn't contain any special sign?

It has a '-' sign in its name, but it worked before with other companies with the same name.

Does it work propely if the company name doesn't have "-" with it?

Nope, i've got the same result. I am wondering whether I am doing something wrong, or if there is a technical error. 

I tried using the CONCATENATE() function, but received the same result. Could the issue be related to using multiple subfolders?

CONCATENATE("/Files/",[Company name],"/service/"])

If it has worked earlier exactly with a proper way, this should not be the reason. The only thing that could be different is the company name or the code behind of it.

What happens if you write the path with the file name option? And you remove the existing path away.

Interesting, because if I don't use a variable, it works.

"/Files/Agrár-Béta Kft/service/" working

"/Files/"&[Company name]&"/service/" not working

"Agrár-Béta Kft" is the name of the company. Type of the field is text.


I made a quick test with the same formula and company name, it works just fine.

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