Automatic Valid-If in Virtual Column

Good Evening Guys,

i want to make an valid-if virtual column, that formula like this :

if today() > [_THISROW].[Date] then "Expired", else "ok".

i already put the formula in valid-if virtual column, but somehow i need to trigered the formula by click save, or put behaviour that triggered formula. otherwise the formula didn't work.

any workaround to do this? so the formula can be automatically applied?

*notes : I'm using One Drive and Excel Office 365 as database

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If you have a valid expression in the Virtual Column, it will be execute upon row entry and then re-executed on each Sync performed.  Based on what you have shown the expression should be:

IF(TODAY() > [Date], "Expired", "Ok")

 This assume that [Date] is a Date type column, not a DateTime type - though I think it would still work.  If it is DateTime then wrap the column with the DATE function line this:  DATE([Date])

@WillowMobileSys Let me explain the details, i have to check an insurance date, if today > Insurance date, the status will be Inactive, else it will be active.

so i try to make 2 virtual columns,

Insurance Status: the first one i put the app formula like you explain before : 

IF(TODAY() > [Date], "Expired", "Ok")

Check Insurance Status the second one i put the formula just text "Check Insurance", but i put another formula in valid if to ensure no duplicate entries and the first virtual columns works.

([_THISROW].[Employee ID] = [Employee ID]),
"Expired" <> [Insurance Status]

My expectation : every time i open appsheet or refresh, it will check the insurance status ,Will it be Expired if it yes, I cannot make new entry for the same Employee ID.

However i tried this formula only applied when i edit the same employee ID, and it doesn't work on create new entry or row.

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