Automatically add a new row to a Table when a new row is created in another Table

What would be the best practice to automatically add a new row in one table when a new row has been created in another table.

For example,

Lets say I have a new entry created for "Start Time" in Invoicing_Table. I want to create an action where any new Start Time data created will create a new row for "Message" in Messages_Table. The text data created in "Message" will be auto filled using the "Start Time" data inside it.



Something like this:

"Access reported by [William Hensley] with arrival time at [7:43:44 am] [02/07/22]"

This is not an email or text notification but an in App Deck UX. Currently, I have been entering this manually but now I am at the phase of my App to automate as much as possible without using a Bot.

Here is how it looks with manual entry:



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Could you elaborate your requirement? Meaning is there any relation between the two tables in terms of common columns?

In the meantime, have you evaluated the  "Data: add a new row to another table using the values from this table" action?



I have read that before but I am having a hard time understanding that workflow. I do agree that this would be relevant to my situation but its the implementation that I can't figure out and need a jump start.

I created an action called "PostMessage" that creates a new row in table "Messages" in row "Message" using data from table "Invoicing". However, now I need to figure out how to execute the action when a new row is created in table "Invoicing".


In regards to a relationship, there does not appear to be any. I can create a relationship using a unique ID but do not know how that will help. 

@haskellf wrote:

However, now I need to figure out how to execute the action when a new row is created in table "Invoicing".

Form Save, or a Bot.


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