Automatically create new row based on 2 conditions

Hello all,

I would like my app to automatically create 

The closest idea I can think of is a form of a for loop but I'm not sure to what extent that's possible in Appsheet. It would go something like this:

for row in table:
if [column 1 ] = [column 1 ]:
if [colomn 2] <> [column 3]:
create new row where [column 2] has value of [column 3]

Don't hesitate to let me know if I'm not clear

Many thanks

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I'd come at this in this way -- using a quasi-Fibonacci sequence (1, 3, 5) for each of the values (Past, Present, Future) I'd create logic to asign a sum value based on which items or combinations are stroked.

  • 0 = No values.
  • 1 = Past
  • 3 = Present
  • 5 = Future
  • 4 = Past, Present
  • 6 = Past, Future
  • 8 = Present, Future
  • 9 = All

This way based on the value I know what is needed.

View solution in original post


Not sure about your [Column1] = [Column1] logic as I think that will always evaluate to TRUE.

You don't say whether you wish the NEW row to be created in the same table or in a different one?

The same value in [column 1] should appear in 3 different rows.

The way to differentiate these same 3 rows is that there should be 3 different values in [column 2] (eg : past , present , future).

If there is only 2 rows with the same value in [column 1] , I want to create a new row with the missing value in [column 2]

I would like this row to be added in the same table

It sounds that you need a workflow that runs on the creation of an initial (Past) record.  This workflow should add 2 more records, 1 with a (Present) value in Column 2 and a copy of the value from Column1 from your trigger record.  The second added record with a (Future) value in Column2 and a copy of the value from Column1 of your trigger record.

My assumption is that all three records will be created at the same time with the workflow and therefore record 2 and 3 do NOT exist before you add the first record?

Yes exactly I would like to create some sort of a workflow (In the process tab in Appsheet I suppose)

However my database is sometimes complete and sometimes not. So it is possible for the three records to already exist, in which case the workflow should not be activated.

Ok, for each record in your table, you will need 3 Virtual  Columns to indicate whether the other 3 records exists or not.

VC 1 will probably have a formula like this:

SELECT(TableName[ID],AND([_THISROW].[Column1] = [Column1],[_THISROW].[Column2] = "Past"))

VC 2 :

SELECT(TableName[ID],AND([_THISROW].[Column1] = [Column1],[_THISROW].[Column2] = "Present"))

VC 3:

SELECT(TableName[ID],AND([_THISROW].[Column1] = [Column1],[_THISROW].[Column2] = "Future"))

The answer returned by each one of those VCs will be either BLANK (Record does NOT exist) or NOTBLANK (Record already exists)

You could create 3 Slices to show each of the 3 types of missing records where the ROW FILTER condition on each slice would be ISBLANK([VC1] or ISBLANK([VC2] etc to get a list of records for those conditions.

You could then use those Slices in 3 Scheduled bots that adds each of your records at a set time every day?

Okay thanks for your response. I think I'm almost there but the result of my slices are almost always TRUE even when the record is not missing.

Because when I make a slice ISBLANK([VC1]) for example, it will appear as blank in row 2 and 3 even though it exists in row 1. Is there any way to make a slice such as this one that takes into account the similar values in [column1]?

Thanks a lot, I'm very appreciative for your help.

@Julie-Anne97 wrote:

Okay thanks for your response. I think I'm almost there but the result of my slices are almost always TRUE even when the record is not missing.

You will need to clarify this 🙂

Saying almost always suggests there are cases when this is not true?  Let's find out why this is?

Okay, here is a table summarizing what I did following your suggestions. In black is my table columns and in blue is the result of my slice. 


This is what I meant to say about the results of my slice always being True. What I would like is :

Slice1 : ISBLANK(VC1past) to show that value3 is missing
Slice2 : ISBLANK(VC2present) to never be blank
Slice3: ISBLANK(VC3future) to show that Value2 is missing the value 'future'

I probably missed a step along the way, I hope the table clarifies where I'm at 🙂 Thanks again for your help!

Have you shortened the Slice syntax to quickly mock up a screenshot?  I wanted to check that you are using ISBLANK([VC1past]) rather than ISBLANK(VC1past)?

Also, what are the settings you have in here?



Yes I shortened the syntax, this is how my slice looks 


My option settings look the same as yours I believe 



Ok...well, let's try a different way to check if the records exist or not.

Wrap your VC formulas on your table with a Count().  This should evaluate to 0 if the record doesn't exist and be >0 if it does.

COUNT(SELECT(TableName[ID],AND([_THISROW].[Column1] = [Column1],[_THISROW].[Column2] = "Past")))

Make your slice filters change to [VC1] = 0 etc

It's the only thing I can think of to try as I do believe the logic of what we are doing is correct. 

Hello Scott,

When I added wrapped my function with a COUNT I had to change my column type to number because I got this error "The expression is valid but its result type 'Number' is not one of the expected types: List".

However once I had changed my column from list to number and wrapped my VC function with COUNT(), the result was always 0 even when the condition was checked and worked with the SELECT() function previously. 

Using a sequence turned out to be simpler for me with two virtual columns :

VC1 = IFS([Column2]="Past", 1 , [Column2]="Present", 3, [Column2]="Future" , 5)

VC2 = SUM(SELECT(TableName[VC1],[_THISROW].[Column1]=[Column1]))
I was able to create a workflow to create missing rows with the filter condition of my workflow depending on the result of VC2.
Thanks again for your help, I couldn't have gone as far as this without your feedback.

I'd come at this in this way -- using a quasi-Fibonacci sequence (1, 3, 5) for each of the values (Past, Present, Future) I'd create logic to asign a sum value based on which items or combinations are stroked.

  • 0 = No values.
  • 1 = Past
  • 3 = Present
  • 5 = Future
  • 4 = Past, Present
  • 6 = Past, Future
  • 8 = Present, Future
  • 9 = All

This way based on the value I know what is needed.

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