Automation not working due to Salesforce update

Hi @isdal @devingu @zito @Roderick 

It has been over a month since I contacted support about this issue and nothing has been resolved either.

As stated in the help, AppSheet Automation runs when data is updated in Salesforce.

However, this feature is not currently working.
I have contacted support about this issue, but they just report back that they are looking into it.

Since it is not working as described in the help, I have made numerous requests to first release an INCIDENT report, but have received no response.

Can you guys please check the status and if necessary, can you release an INCIDENT report?
We have many users who use Salesforce and would be confused if it does not work as per help.

Note that the following configuration is required to capture Salesforce updates and I am setting it. Perhaps many members of the current AppSheet team are not even aware of these facts.

* Install AppSheetConnector in Salesforce
* Deploy the app



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Community Manager

Hey Takuya,

The AppSheet engineering team is actively looking into the issue. We'll share an update once there is a fix/workaround in place! Just know this is priority on our end, but may some time to troubleshoot. Thanks for your patience! Please continue to share any additional context that might help the team narrow down what is causing this issue.



Thanks for catching up on the issue.

However, you guys still misunderstand my point.

First of all, priority should be the highest priority at the stage where it does not work as per the help.

And the first thing you guys need to do is not to solve platform problems. It is to disclose to the user what kind of problem is occurring.

I hope that Google, the AppSheet platformer, will take responsibility for this.
If we don't see such a response, many App Creators will leave the AppSheet ecosystem without saying anything.
After that happens, it will all be too late.

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