Automation to update main table enumlist dereferences after edits to reference table

Hi, all:

I'm sure this question has been answered already, but several days of searching haven't pointed me in quite the right direction: How do I create an automation to re-evaluate rows in a saved table after I make updates to a referenced table that includes enumlist dereferences?

The project is a cataloging system for surveys. We  want end-users to be able to search surveys that are tagged at several layers of topic complexity (columns R - T). The main table looks something like this:

Screenshot 2023-07-19 at 5.12.01 PM.png

To reduce tagging error, I built the topic tags (columns R - T above) into a reference table so that end-users will identify Specific topics (column R above), and then the Topic groups and Broad themes columns (columns S & T above) will auto-populate:

Screenshot 2023-07-19 at 5.12.13 PM.png

In the main table, the Specific topics column (column R) is an enumlist with base type ref that pulls from the Specific topics column in the reference table (column A). In the main table, the Topic groups and Broad themes columns (S & T) are enumlist dereference columns that work through the Specific topics column (column R in the main table).

As you can see in Row 12 / column A in the reference table (second picture), sometimes we will need to add new topics, which will then require that we update the Topic groups and Broad themes columns in the reference table.

I'd like to write an automation that will re-evaluate and update saved rows in the main data table to include any edits to the referenced table.

I've read a bunch of documentation about automations and table references, but I'm having trouble putting it all together. Does anyone know of solved examples similar to this one or articles that might be helpful?

Many thanks!

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Formulas in normal columns get reevaluated with any data change to any column in the same row. In virtual columns formulas are reevaluated with every sync. 

So you have two options:

  1. If you are only using dereference expressions in your columns, then you can have these as virtual columns instead and they'll update whenever a new topic is added. Or:
  2. Add a new column, call it for example Refresh, make it of type Number with an Initial value of 0. Then make an automation to just increment this column (thus inducing a data change) forcing all formulas in all columns to reevaluate. 

I appreciate your help. I'm looking to implement #2. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure it out. Do you know if there are certain types of examples or documentation I should look for to get some ideas? The results I'm finding don't seem to fit. 

  1. First add the column as described.
  2. If you don't know how to add an action to increment the column's value, please start reading the guide below. If you face any difficulty feel free to come back to the community for help. 
    Actions: The Essentials - AppSheet Help

Yup, it's the automation that's giving me trouble. I appreciate you getting me started, though! Many thanks!

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