Azure image storage

On our picking apps we get the images from our website storage.
We have changed to Azure for image storage and now a lot of images don’t show on the apps.

They said that they have gradually seen less images over time and hardly any show now. But some do.
I can’t see any difference in the url of those that work now and those that don’t.

The images are showing ok on our website.

Does anyone have any experience of this?


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How were you able to add Azure for image storage? I thought AppSheet only supported integration with Google Cloud Storage and AWS-S3. 


Were you able to resolve problem of images not displaying properly? 


We're not storing the images from Appsheet on Azure. It was our website that used Azure for storage and the apps used a url to show the image.

If you do need to just show images from Azure storage this worked for me from Igor at appsheet support:


So far I worked with only one more client that has a similar issue but uses Amazon S3 storage. And in their case they can’t or don’t want to make any changes to the way they upload images. So I came up with a non-trivial workaround, that not necessarily solves the problem but allows you to bypass the image resizing (that enforces correct mime types before processing the image). That means it might affect performance of your app, in particular images. But it's probably better that no images at all.

So, here is what you need to do (replace <your_image_column_name> with name of the image column where you store images urls that are not displayed and <table_column> is where this column is):

1.Add a new virtual column in <table_name> table

1.1 Name: <your_image_column_name>_temporary

1.2 App formula:


CONTAINS([<your_image_column_name>], "?"),




1.3 Type: Image

  1. Save change
  2. Go to UX tab and replace <your_image_column_name> column with <your_image_column_name>_temporary in any view where you want to display images.
  3. Save changes
  4. Images should show up after page reloads

What this change does is attach format=svg parameter to all your image urls. This parameter tells our client code that you don’t want to apply resizing to the image. And this parameter means nothing to your storage provider so it is just ignored. Again, it means you images won’t be resized and might not perform well (100% depends on performance of your storage provider and internet connection).

Gotcha, thanks for the response!

Talked to AppSheet support- Azure Blob cannot be added as an object store.

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