[BUG] Table update settings to allow ALL_CHANGES for USERROLE() = "Admin" is not working

As the title states. 

My appsheet app have tables update mode settings that are 


I have been using this formula for the past year. Suddenly admin users are getting this error.


I would like to also note that the Delete button is available for only "Admin", that fact that its showing and admin can click on it, proves that the error is on the table update settings.

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@ChristianLi  Same here, was this ever resolved for you?

@bk108not fix yet. I had to change formula to IF(USEREMAIL(),IN())

Last week, I encountered the same issue, so I emailed support. Their response was to escalate it and work on a fix.

I escalated it but did not get a fix.  For now I'm using the usermail() approach... 

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