Blank white screen on iOS

I am new to AppSheet, and like what I am seeing, so far, learning more and more how to do some cool stuff. The app that I have created only has three users, and I am one of them. The app works, flawlessly, on my phone and on the phone of one of the other guys. However, the third guy, who has a phone identical to the second guy, can almost never open the app...just shows a white screen and never comes up. I have tried "cold booting" the phone and reinstalling the app, but nothing seems to ultimately fix the issue. As a result, the app is essentially useless to one of us, and it is very frustrating. The amount of data, associated with this app, is very small, so I don't see how it could be a memory issue. The app is run as an iOS app, not via a web browser, on the phone. How can I get the app working on the third phone?!

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First, check the Audit logs of the app to see if there is any error as a clue to what the issue might be.  You will find these under the Manage section of the Editor.

If your app requires sign-in, then try having the user sign-out and then sign-in again.  

Beyond those....You haven't described steps taken by the user,  so let's re-visit the basic setup steps....

AppSheet apps, on an Apple phone,  run inside of an iOS container app downloaded from the App Store.  This iOS container app must have been successfully downloaded.  So I would start by making sure this has happened.  If already downloaded, maybe delete it and download again - just to be safe?

The iOS container app is an App Gallery. The app you build runs inside this iOS app as a web app.  You would provide the user with a link OR they are sent an invite with the link, in order to launch the app.  Once the app is launched, it will show up in the gallery under the "Owned by me" section for yourself.  For your 2 users, the app will show under the "Shared with me" section but will depend on the app permission levels. 

For a non-secured app (Public)

  • any user with the link should be able to launch the app - no login required

For secured apps...

  • If you have the "Allow all signed-in users" OFF - user must be white-listed in the app Editor AND needs to have logged in with authentication provider specified in the app.  If they are not already, they will be prompted by the app.
  • If the "Allow all signed-in users" ON - user does NOT need listed in the app BUT still needs to have logged in with authentication provider specified in the app.  If they are not already, they will be prompted by the app.


If all of these steps seem to have been covered then I would contact AppSheet for additional assistance

Hello, and thanks for responding. I never knew about the audit logs, so thanks for mentioning that. However, when I check the log, I see no errors, for any of the three users. The user with issues, like the rest of us, installed the app, from the App store. Then, upon opening the AppSheet app, they connected, using their Google account. At that point, they did see the app in the "Shared with me" section, and they were able to open the app. However, the next time they went to get into it, it just came up with a blank white screen. I have tried many things, including rebooting the phone and uninstalling and reinstalling the app, from the App store. Sometimes, the app works, but it just shows the blank white screen like 98 times out of 100. So, to be clear, when they attempt to open the AppSheet app, after having previously connected, all they see is a blank white screen.

How do I "contact AppSheet for additional assistance"?

@BobRoyAce wrote:

How do I "contact AppSheet for additional assistance"?


In the Editor upper-right hand corner, you will see a "3 dot" menu.  Tap that and then select "Support".  You will be presented a form to fill out and submit.   Support has been very good recently about responding fairly quickly - not immediate and it depends on volume of other requests but I am finding it is usually same day or next.

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