Bot don't work and appsheet monitoring enable

I created a bot that works perfectly on another application.
when I try to open the monitor to look for the error the message appears:

"Unable to fetch app definition.
Error: Data table 'processes' is not accessible due to: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'Key')."

I do not understand what I have to do.
Thank you Alessandro

3 7 302

I see same error too

Same here

Same here

we have been aware of the issue and are working on a fix. There is still a subset of users will see the error. We appreciate your patience!



Some of the bot function are not executing other than error in monitoring. 


Same here

It has appeared a week to 10 days back. But after chrome sessions logout and restart it has gone away. But it is coming again for me now. So found this thread and looks like this is a problem at Appsheet level itself.

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