Bulk App Invites?

What’s the best way to invite my whole company? I don’t want to send individual invitations to each person…

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is this a quiz?
Share app - Add the emails in the User emails and then click the button Add users + Send invite

is there a prize?

Is there a way to add 30-40 email addresses at once? Instead of having to click Add and type in each email address?

Not home to test it but I am thinking at

  • contacts table with the email addresses

  • invitation table with
    guest field - reff to contacts
    Status field - active/closed

  • workflow on update (status=closed) for invitation with a template containing the link to the app (share app/links/browser or install)

Hope I didn’t miss anything but kind of the same thing.

You still need to add them in the end but just by selecting it

New Member

What if I’ve added an entire domain to the user list and have already sent out a link to install to the list of folks I want to have access. Now, I want to manage a static list of users and remove the domain authorization. How do I input a list of 30-40 authorized emails without having to manually Add and type in all addresses? No way to setup an outside table and have appsheet reference this list?

I don’t know of any way to reference a table but I’ve added many users at once by using their email addresses separated by a comma. So if you can get a list of email addresses simply put them all in the first add box and AppSheet will separate them into that many adds.

Since I send my own set of install instructions, I use that same comma delimited list to address the email in bulk.

Thanks for this response. I’ll give it a go!

This worked like a charm! Only restriction is appsheet only allows 20 user adds at a time but was able to batch it very quickly!

Bonus tip for anyone else in need: use =JOIN function in Google Sheets to join a list of email address and declare ", " as your delimitator to get your full list in one cell!

Glad it worked. Good to know about the #20 limitation and the =JOIN function. I’ve never used that.

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