Here is the basic requirement
I want the COUNT in a formula to only do a COUNT when the Bundle Status = “Ready To Ship”
COUNT(SELECT (Order Bundle Detail**[Bundle Status]**, [Job ID] = [_THISROW].[Job ID]))

What I want to achieve is to set the PARENT Record Status to “Ready To Ship” if ALL the CHILDREN Record Statuses are equal to “Ready To Ship”

So I have already got the COUNT of how many CHILDREN Records exist in another VC. All I want to do now is to do the same COUNT of these CHILDREN Records where Status is equal to “Ready To Ship”. If the COUNT of Number of CHILDREN Records = COUNT of the Number of CHILDREN Records where the Status is “Ready To Ship”, then I know that I can set the PARENT Record Status also to “Ready To Ship”

How would I write a formula for this?

0 5 3,253

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

This expression should give you the child rows with a Bundle Status of Ready To Ship:

  [Related Order Bundle Details][RowKey],
    ISNOTBLANK([Bundle Status]),
    ([Bundle Status] = "Ready To Ship")

Replace RowKey with the name of the table’s key column.

You could compare a count of that list with the count of all children:

  COUNT([Related Order Bundle Details][RowKey])
  = COUNT(
      [Related Order Bundle Details][RowKey],
        ISNOTBLANK([Bundle Status]),
        ([Bundle Status] = "Ready To Ship")

Alternatively, you could just check whether there are any children that are not ready:

    [Related Order Bundle Details][RowKey],
      ISBLANK([Bundle Status]),
      ([Bundle Status] <> "Ready To Ship")

Thank you @Steve and @LeventK. I will try it out over the weekend

@Steve and @LeventK - working like a charm. I tried both solutions. Thanks

Basically; if you have a VC with an AppFormula like this in your parent table:

COUNT([Related Order Details][KeyColumn])

this will produce a list of number of child records for each corresponding parent record. And if you set another VC with an AppFormula like this in your parent table:

COUNT(SELECT([Related Order Details][KeyColumn],[Bundle Status]="Ready To Ship"))

this will produce a list of number of child records for each corresponding parent record where [Bundle Status]=“Ready To Ship”

I love how far the platform has come.

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