CSV Attachment Issue

Hi all,

I have an issue with one of my bots that generate a report (as a CSV) my issue is I have 2 Longtext columns that contain an address (No.1, Road A, City) and obviously when I get the csv in the mail it's all messed up from the address column onward. 


Has anyone come across this issue and how have you overcome it.


Ps: I did try address column type at first and that didn't work so I tried Longtext


Thanks in Advance

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OK this clearly shows the data in the CSV is not being enclosed with quotation marks and that is why the data that includes commas is appearing as separate fields. Can you try editing the template and where you have a field which can contain commas, for example <<Address of Establishment>>, enclose it in quotation marks, so it looks like "<<Address of Establishment>>"?

View solution in original post


Exported CSV files should wrap all fields in quotation marks, so commas in the values should be fine. Can you post a screen shot of the CSV file displayed in Notepad? I want to make sure this is an actual issue with the CSV export rather than the spreadsheet or other program you are loading the CSV in to.

@graham_howe Hi, thank you for the reply I've attached a SS below,

Screenshot 2022-03-15 2.14.59 PM.png

Note: when I put a test record with no commas in the addresses, it comes out correctly


Thanks in advance for any further help 😄

That's the template, I was looking for an example of the actual csv file that is generated. It is possible the the CSV is generated correctly with the address text enclosed in quotations, but that when you load it into another application, for example Excel, that it is not interpreting the fields as it should.

Hi @graham_howe here are some more screenshots, hope this gives you a clue as to what is the issue


Note: extra commas are there because there are a lot of fields without data while some do have data - issue is due address having commas right?


this is what I get when I import the above csv into a google sheet

I also tried with only 3 columns (2 address columns and a name column in the middle)


This was the result I got



is this a bug? @graham_howe 

OK this clearly shows the data in the CSV is not being enclosed with quotation marks and that is why the data that includes commas is appearing as separate fields. Can you try editing the template and where you have a field which can contain commas, for example <<Address of Establishment>>, enclose it in quotation marks, so it looks like "<<Address of Establishment>>"?

Thanks @graham_howe this really helped me out 😄

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